Looking for activities for children over April Break? Visit the Arlington Street Community Center for a 1-hour SEL Programming on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
You can also register for age-specific kits to take home from ASCC.
At Home Kits for Youth Ages 0-3 - t.ly/dgCuZ
At-Home Kits for Youth Ages 4-8 - t.ly/0hA7
*Register quickly for kits as quantity is limited*
Families are invited to join us here at the Arlington Street Community Center for some April Vacation fun! In partnership with the Smart Start Coalition of Greater Nashua and Parks and Recreation, we have FREE family fun kits available for pick-up!
On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday April 25-27 1pm-2pm we will have free Social Emotional Learning activities here for children between the ages of birth through six years old.
For ages birth through 4 years old we have a Montessori fine motor skills kit available. This kit fosters play through different textures and puzzles. For ages 5 and up, we have Outdoor Adventure kits with binoculars, a magnifying glass, compass, and flashlight. Please register as the number of kits is limited. The registration for kits will be live by 4/17/2023.